First Dance
Isn't it wonderful when your children reach certain milestones, especially ones that you remember reaching yourself? My son Zak came in excitedly yesterday and handed me a pair of pants and a shirt and said "You need to wash these Daddy, I need to wear them to the dance!" When I inquired as to what dance where and when, he proceeded to tell me that a friend of his in the neighborhood had set him up with her girlfriend at a different school to go to the dance with her. "She sounds nice Daddy, I talked to her on the phone!" He added,"You know girls talk on the phone an awful lot!" Oh the world of discovery begin! After a period of silence watching TV he looked at me and asked,"You aren't going to make fun of me are you Daddy?" "No way! I think it's great!" was my reply. And I do. I want every transition and experience in life to be fantastic for both my sons. This is his first inning in a lifelong ball game and win or lose in the end I want him to enjoy the game. He is beginning to care about his appearance and desires to make a good impression. I have been waiting for the day to come that he would do just that. It makes all the hardships of raising children worthwhile when you experience something like that! I also let out a sigh of relief that he is interested in members of the opposite sex in a normal, healthy fashion. I feel as if there is a different feeling between us too and it uplifts my heart to know that he is willing to ask for my help and advice.
First dances can be great and I remember my own. I only hope he enjoys the total experience at least half as much as I did!...Love to all....Jeff